Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prom of 2009

Its that time of the year again, but this time its for my kind of people, SENIORS. Prom is on May, 30 2009 at the Museum of Science and Industry. Its gonna be a fun time and we are all gonna dance, eat and just have fun.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mix N Match Day At School

At school this week is spirit week for the seniors. And today is mix and match day or all colors day and the objective is to wear as many colors as possible or wear clothing in mix match form. There are alot of people that have on crazy colors and its like a parade walking through the hallways at schools.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Today's Weather

Its May 12, 2009 on a tuesday and the weather for today is 70 degrees. Its gonna be nice today and everybody will probably be outside enjoying the weather, with their family and friends. I know i will be out there today with my friends, maybe playing basketball or something, but today will be a good day to hang out.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Saturday Day

On staurday i woke up and cleaned the house in my plan to go out later on in the evening to chill with my friends. Later on that day, we stay outside and had fun and then traveled down to millenuim park, to walk around and enjoy the sites. It was nice and worm that day as well and alot of people were out that night also, enjoying the weather. Thats how my saturday went.