Monday, December 15, 2008

BlackBerry Storm Phone

Verizon wireless has made a very nice variety of phones on display, but this season, they have created the blackberry storm phone. The phone consist of blackberry items and touch screen avaliability. This phone has it all internet, music, photos, emails, and etc. This would be an excellent Christmas gift for someone. I would get this phone for myself.

Gift Cards as a present.

Need a good christmas present and cant find anything good, gift cards are a great gift to give at this time of season and holiday. When i'm confused and dont know what to buy my family for Christmas, I simply go out and buy gift cards. Its much easier and less confusing, then having to search for things and at all those different stores. I would advise everybody thats having hard time shopping for that right gift, to go buy a variety of gift cards, they could help save the day.

Friday, December 12, 2008

12 more days until Christmas

Time is short and the day is late, its time to shop and save save save. Christmas is around the corner, and is coming up fast, save some milk and cookies for santa, he dont wanna hear bout your past. Winter is here, Christmas is near, so shout and jump for joy everywhere, and sing carols for everbody to hear.

Monday, December 8, 2008

North Riverside Mall

This is one of my favorite malls to shop in. They have a variety of stores to shop. For example, foot locker, Thats u, treasures, and freshwear. Alot of people go there almost everyday and mostly weekends. This would be the perfect mall to visit when it comes to christmas shopping

Chicago a.k.a Windy City

Chicago has been known for its freezing cold weather and below 0 temps and also called the windy city. Every since the last couple of days of november up til December. We have been receiving snow, freezing rain, and ice cold temperatures. Its starting to feel more like christmas everybody now.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas Songs

It is that time of season again, where people get together and have fun times, time of giving and time of sharing. A favorite thing of mine when it comes down to christmas is the christmas songs. My favorite songs are this christmas, carol the bell, and let it snow and there are alot more. Soon i will e singing these cheerful and winteric songs.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Snow is here

A fresh new weekend after thanksgiving, which was fun, and all that food was delicious. But now is a new month of December, which means Christmas is almost here. Since now its about that time, the snow has started to fall on everything, clear white and cold as ice.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

After Thanksgiving Shopping

Every year around this time of Thanksgiving, there is a after holiday special shopping event. All of the shopping stores opens early, because it then would be time for Christmas shopping, so they bring every year early. Most of the stores opens up at about 5 am at the earliest, and shoppers do be out at those times. I Hope this year that we go shopping, and try to beat that madness, cause its like a warzone when it comes to shopping around this time.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

This week of School

This week there are only three days of school, because of the holiday thats coming up. I'm so glad, now i cant get me some sleep and enjoy the holiday with my family. With two days off from this week, there is only a short lesson that coul take place, while in school, which hopefully, but painfully means homework for students.

Thanksgiving Day

This is the last week of November, which means Thanksgiving is here. Time to count our blessings and eat some thanksgiving turkey and ham, and all those other goods foods to eat. I plan on spending much time with my family and eating and jst having a good time. A time of giving to help someone else in need and to be thankful. I just can't wait til thanksgiving to wat all those delicious foods. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and to all.

Friday, November 21, 2008

This Weekend

T.G.I.F. its another friday, last day of the week before our weekend. I really have nothing planned, but stay warm and be in the house on the computer all day.

Black Friday is Monday and over the weekend, so people be careful, hackers are out hacking, and they will hack you.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Drivers Education Class

Today was a good day in drivers ed. class because we had a instructor from the Chicago police department to come and guide us on different steps on driving and rules of the road tips. I learned alot from Officer Silva a.k.a. Officer Eddie, and i expect to pass my exam for drivers tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Bulls

The Chicago Bulls basketball team sucks. They have Dereick Rose and they still are weak. I went to one of their games one time and they won, but playing the LA Lakers, they couldn't stand a chance against them. But sometimes the bulls can be a tough opponents and can't be beating. I say they need more training and better coaching skills and abilities. More training at least and more winnings.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Once again its another cold day outside in the city of Chicago a.k.a the windy city. It was snowing yesterday, but later on the news shows some snowy flakes that might come down on chicago. I hope today in school it goes by fast, so i can go home and get some rest. I expect to learn something in Physics today and research. This was my blog for the day

Monday, November 17, 2008

This Week

Its a frsh new week now, and this week I plan on learning more about my school work to improve my grades. I also, plan on finishing my drivers education class, so I can be able to pass and get my permit, so I can get my drivers license and drive. I plan on learning alot of new different things this week.

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Up Coming Weekend

Once again it is another cold and blurry friday, Thank god its friday, which begins my weekend. This weekend I'm plan on going outside with my friends in the cold, and going to the movies all on a friday. Saturday, I plan on doing my daily chores around the house and going to the mall to go shopping. Sunday, is church day for me, and after church I usually just go home and study for school and rest. This would be my plans for this winter cold weekend.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

November 5, 2008

Hi my name is Travis Tabb and I am a high school senior at Roberto Clemente H.S. I think the election last night on Obama winning, i think it was a great time and a wonderful feeling to have a African American male as the first black president of the United States of America. I look foward to years to come with Obama as president and new changes in our society with the economy, war, and local issues with the communitites.